綜合氣氛地點服務咖啡等因素--> 珍妮心目中的Best Coffee in NYC
最近越來越喜歡的Think Coffee!
從三年前Mercer Street的原始店(Chill atmospere with comfy couches 空間和椅子很多但是總是擠滿了人 有吧檯位子也有沙發還有不規則擺放的桌子們 個人比較偏好整齊一點的layout:P)
到現在4th Avenue(same chill atmosphere with cool and artistic barista! 整家店的裝潢是比較organized的設計 可以待上一整天做事也不會覺得太嘈雜)
幾年下來的觀察 有了很多有趣發現 例如不同時段不同天的客群性質都不一樣
通常那時候就是晨跑完的運動家 上班族 帶小孩上課前買咖啡的爸爸或媽媽 或是像我一樣的文藝少年少女
雖然已經在Think Coffee出沒了三年但是大庭廣眾之下實在不好意思拍照
Think Coffee的小杯咖啡就是double shots
Espresso Drinks和牛奶調配的比例也剛剛好 不會像一些咖啡店過淡或是牛奶太多的情形
一旁也提供 Regular Milk, Skim Milk, Half and Half and Soy Milk(!!) Honey, Liquid Syrup讓客人自行取用
竟然有無限供應Soy Milk很感人吧
所以經濟拮据但又想補充蛋白質的時候可以就只點一杯Regular coffee然後自己再走到旁邊默默加到你開心
Ice Coffee. Smoked Salmon Sandwich (Sorry沒有照到完整圖片 :P)
With tomatoes, watercress, red onion, and cream cheese on Amy’s pumpernickel bread.
Final前的Red Eye (brewed coffee with a shot of espresso)
和連鎖咖啡店完全不同的深奧味道 :)
(苜蓿芽推高高 好感人)
Granola with fresh fruit & organic vanilla yogurt
所以通常只有很累或是考試很多的時候吃一下 (說服自己有體力才能走更遠的路)
Latte and Toasted Cinnamon Rasin Bagel
Think Coffee的手工Bagel 有Plain, Wheat, Poppyseed, Sesame, Cinnamon Rasin, and Everything
但絕對是吃過另人難忘的口感 烤過的外皮脆脆的 裡層鬆軟卻不失彈性
每天提供的量不多 而且只賣到11:00am!而且通常在那之前就全部賣光光囉
如果發現柱子上的口味被cross out就代表sold out!
我最常買的前三名為 Wheat, Cinnamon Rasin , Poppyseed
Soy Latte
下雨天還是讓我心甘情願一大早冒雨到Think Coffee
即使只有短短半小時 都能讓自己完全放鬆 重新充電面對新的挑戰
店員不多約有四五位 每個都很有自己的特色
Toasted Wheat Bagel with Tomatoes and Sprouts
Bagel的topping 可以自己選喔! 選擇如下
Bagel toasted or untoasted | 1.25 | ||
Cream Cheese add | .75 | ||
Tofu Cream Cheese add | 1.00 | ||
Peanut Butter add | .75 | ||
Sprouts add | .75 | ||
Onion add | .50 | ||
Nutella add | 1.00 | ||
Tomato add | .75 | ||
Lox add | 4.00 | ||
Butter add | .50 | ||
Jam add | .50 |
另外推薦Johnny Boy!! 去年有一陣子瘋狂愛上他
Johnny Boy Sandwich
All natural peanut butter, banana, honey, and cinnamon on Amy’s whole wheat bread.
看似簡單的內容但是加在一起就如同魔術般神奇的美味: D
只是小小一份也不便宜 現在想吃的時候就變成自己動手做囉;)
我幾乎天天都吃一樣的健康組合 負責做bagel的大哥現在看到我就說 "Tomatos and sprouts"
Again- Toasted Wheat Bagel with Tomatoes and Sprouts. Soy Mocha
Large Coffee and Oatmeal with steamed milk, raisins, cinnamon & honey
-->還是不要在外亂點Oatmeal好了 不便宜然後吃完又好空虛
The world of specialty coffee has been transformed in recent years as
roasters and retailers experiment with more exotic beans and more
sophisticated methods for roasting and brewing them. We think that
customers can and should demand the type of quality that comes from this
level of attention, and one of our primary goals is to deliver that
quality in every cup.
We also think that a great cup of coffee can be made even better when
it is served with the right food. We won’t go so far as to say that it’s
like pairing a fine Pinot with an artisanal goat cheese, but in our
opinion there is nothing better than one of our perfectly-extracted
espressos served with a real New York bagel. Or one of our single origin
coffees served with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It will make
your palate dance, or at least make it very happy.
-- Think Coffee
Think Coffee
248 Mercer Street (Between 3rd and 4th Streets)
M-F: 7am to 11:30pm
S-S: 8am to 11:30pm
Free Wi-Fi!
123 4th Avenue (Between 12th and 13th Streets)
M-F: 7am to 11:30pm
S-S: 8am to 11:30pm